Law Degree at University of Barcelona (UB). Master’s law degree, specialty in Private Law at University of Barcelona. Specialization in Civil, Mercantile and Bankruptcy Mediation at Open University of Catalonia (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya – UOC).
Collegiate Lawyer in Barcelona Bar Association (Il·lustre Col·legi de l’Advocacia de Barcelona – ICAB).
Accountant-splitter inscribed in the professional registry of accountants-splitters of the ICAB.
Mediator inscribed in the professional mediator’s registry of the ICAB (ICAB Mediation Centre – CEMICAB) and Generalitat de Catalunya private law active mediator registry (Mediation Centre in Private Law of Catalonia).
Bankruptcy administrator, registered in the professional register of bankruptcy administrators of the ICAB.
Member of Catalan Association Specialists in Succession Law (Associació Catalana d’Especialistes en Dret de Successions – ACEDS).
Specialization areas:
- Inheritance Law, mainly full management of inheritances and legitimate claims;
- Procedural Law, legal guidance in civil proceedings, advice to other fellow lawyers and professional collaborations; and
- Bankruptcy law, mainly instant lawyer for inheritance contests and natural person contests.
Speaker in the Family and Succession ICAB Master, and in the Succession Law ICAB Course.
Speaker in ICAB, in other professional colleges, and universities.
Collaborating professor at the Law and Political Science Studies of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).
She has published in Immoscopia (Catalonia Real Estate Agents Magazine), Catalonia Legal Magazine (Revista Jurídica de Catalunya), and has collaborated as co-author in different publications.