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Month: December 2020

Article published in the Revista Món Jurídic no. 328 of the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB): “The necessary procedural representation of the inheritance lying for registration purposes”

THE NECESSARY PROCESSAL REPRESENTATION OF THE LYING INHERITANCE FOR REGISTRATION PURPOSES The author of this article explains the problem of registrations in the judicial procedures followed against lying inheritances or unknown heirs.   There is a problem that has practical consequences regarding the execution of judgments and resolutions, in which a lying inheritance or the [...] Read More

Inheritance and donation tax reform in Catalonia

REFORM OF INHERITANCE AND DONATIONS TAX IN CATALONIA   At the end of April the Parliament of Catalonia approved Law 4/2020, of April 29, on the budgets of the Generalitat of Catalonia for 2020, published in the Official Journal of the Generalitat of Catalonia (DOGC) on the 30th of April 2020 and which entered into […]

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The necessary procedural representation of the unknown heirs or the lying inheritance in a court proceeding for registration purposes

THE NECESSARY PROCESSAL REPRESENTATION OF THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OR THE LYING INHERITANCE IN A JUDICIAL PROCEEDING FOR REGISTRATION EFFECTS The problem of registry entries in the processes followed against unknown heirs or lying inheritances   I would like to refer to a problem that has practical consequences regarding the execution of sentences and resolutions in [...] Read More

The Inheritance Contest: Great Unknown

THE INHERITANCE CONTEST: GREAT UNKNOWN   The inheritance contest is a very broad topic, the present article only allows me to make an approximation without prejudice to the fact that it can be treated in more detail on other occasions.   Introduction: Insolvent inheritance The inheritance contest is a complex procedure that is regulated through [...] Read More