The living will, called the Document of Advance Wills (DVA), is a document addressed to doctors, in which an adult, with sufficient capacity and freely, expresses the instructions to be taken into account when he is in a situation in which circumstances do not allow him to personally express his will. The document also serves to designate a representative who acts as a valid interlocutor or with the doctor or health care team, in the event that she is unable to express her will on her own. This document must be formalized before a notary or before three witnesses (two of whom cannot be related to the second degree).
It is recommended to incorporate this document into the patient’s medical history.
In Catalonia, for example, in order to facilitate access to doctors who must take it into account, the DVA can be registered in the Register of Advance Wills of the Department of Health. In this way, the document is incorporated into the patients’ shared medical history.
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